Red Sack
Black bicycle shorts above the knee
Class pāʻū
Lei & Kupe'e
Kukui Nut
Hair & Make-up
Bun with green lei koko
Natural make-up
Face mask - Black
Baby Blue Aloha Dress
Your choice (if first time please check with Chris and Tristan for approval)
No kupe'e
Hair & Make-up
Bun with green lei koko
Natural make-up
Face mask - your choice, but lighter color matching/coordinating with 'auana dress (if first time please check with Chris and Tristan for approval)
No need for lipstick because of the mask
Haleakala Only
Same as 'auana with 'uli'uli - red & yellow caps
Kane will use yellow caps
Video Recording
Please record outside if possible with during morning / later afternoon with less harsh light.
Make sure lighting is NOT behind you, but to the side or in front
Make sure there aren't too many people
Make sure that your background is nice (your discretion)
Please find a spot with very little background noise. This will be helpful to be able to use audio if I need to especially with chants
Make sure you have a device to play Chris' videos and audio to dance and another device to record.
If you don't know what the below means....no worries, just do your best.
Video specs - Horizontal format, 1920x1080, 30 fps
Uploading files
Please upload uncompressed files in Google doc folder here:
If you have issues uploading possible alternatives:
Audio & Video Recordings to dance to
Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me.